Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Foundation of Any Good Meal..., of course, lard: Even the pinko surrender monkeys at Slate get it. Now, the great enlightened of our society have pronounced lard as, indeed, healthy and you can even buy chic designer lard in New York. Personally, I don't give a shit--I like lard, I love lard, I revel in lard regardless of whatever Harold in Soho or Eleanor in the Hamptons thinks.

My deceased Aunt Sybil kept a bucket--yes, a bucket of lard in her kitchen and cranked out massively righteous pork chops and biscuits using heaps of the stuff. Damn fine eating. Her father, my grandfather used to enjoy pouring the contents of the skillet grease on top of his fried eggs, bacon, and biscuits--God, it was outstanding--more grease to top off the lard! You just can't get that kind of wonderfulness anymore. Now, I'm reduced to eating yogurt in the morning and chicken breasts and salmon and that kind of shit. Damn it, I'm just about finished as a man. Once in a while though, I jump the reservation for some real eating. And when I do, I always think about Aunt Sybil's lard bucket.


Todd McCann said...

Mmmmmmmm....Anything with lard is a GREAT post workout recovery meal!

Glenn Gunn said...

I like the hat. Emperor Theodore maybe? Bet he ate lard while wearing it.

lurch said...

Nice find. Whatever the wife says we're having for dinner tonight, I'm finishing it off in the frier regardless.

Ruprecht said...

You're aware of lard's healing powers, are you not?