Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The same thing that bothered me (and others) about McNamara and his ilk has now affixed itself to the Obama administration: a legion of pointy heads quite sure that they know what's best for you and me and few if any of them having enough sense to pour piss out of a boot. Lots of academics, lots of public policy types, lots of community organizers and damn few if any of people who did stuff that involved getting paid based on real life work. The jury is still out but by the way they're throwing money around, it's a tad concerning. The R's are now in the process of rediscovering just what in the hell they stand for but are short dicked everywhere a vote is taking place, so they can't do much but feign outrage as the money printing rolls on 24/7.

And with it all now, we've got Al Franken as an official United States Senator. Cue the circus music.

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