Friday, September 25, 2009

Andrew Ferguson on Ted

Really, it's his take on the late senator's memoirs: Something you heard a lot of regarding Ted Kennedy was his supposed bipartisanship. He was praised endlessly for "going across the aisle" and the many courtesies he extended to Republican knuckledraggers. Okay. What I find depressing is that today's "journalists" and TV types cannot comprehend that Ted was doing what Ted needed to do to get his way. That's not unique or damnable--effective pols from both sides of the aisle act nice to each other and will get along with the bad guys on the other side to get things done. There's nothing out of the ordinary or praiseworthy with that--it's the business of politics. But, Kennedy is seen differently because, I guess he was related to Jack and is above that sort of things. I'm rambling but you get the drift. It was both laughable and pathetic to observe Kennedy's domination over the hapless Orin Hatch--Hatch loved Ted. Ted had endless laughs over drinks after another session of boning Orin. Poor Hatch--he never got that promised game of touch football at the Kennedy Compound. Ted always kept it just out of his reach. Now, Orin will have to make due with playing touch with himself.

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