Thursday, September 17, 2009

President Jackass

Of course, referring to none other than former President Jimmy (see Gutfeld's take: I despise the smug, self righteous, arrogant ass that is the man from Plains and his latest mouth dump indicating that anyone who questions Obama is a racist is really just more run of the mill stuff from Carter, who typically saves his best for running down his country whenever it does something that is counter to what he thinks should be done. In other words, Carter has always felt that he knows what is best for you and if the country or it's current president felt differently, than it was his Christian duty to prevent that abomination from occurring. I can't stand the son of a bitch. So, if you like the current president, but disagree with him politically then that is because you are a racist, according to Carter. Nice thinking, shitbird. Do all liberals fixate on race like an infant on a mother's breast or is this just Carter? I'm rambling here but goddamn I wish the hell this old scowl would limit himself to hitting a nail every now and then.

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