Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Off day

I'm taking a mental health day and will be spending time doing things Mrs. Taras tells me to do. One of those was having to endure "Good Morning America" and a particularly odious segment featuring an interview between Diane Sawyer and Julia Roberts. I have a splitting headache, now. I read something last night from some critic type complaining that Roberts went after him at some La-La function thinking he wrote a bad review about her. Problem was, he wasn't the guy--she had him confused with another angelino dickhead. Dips everywhere out there. Anyway, Sawyer was fawning all over herself and Roberts was all aglow regarding her upcoming film and the fact that she grows kale. I don't give a shit about Julia Roberts or her kale or really anyone's kale for that matter. Fuck kale.

My dog looks like this. She's ugly.

1 comment:

Glenn Gunn said...

At the risk of exposing my true cynical self, I suggest that daytime television in general could be eliminated with no serious side effects other than possibly more productivity from mobile home dwellers.

We shouldn't be shocked to see fawning and self absorption by the famous. We generally admire their ability to pretend to be someone else on screen. They do it so well that they forget who they are (or who they should be). There are few exceptions (Paul Newman, RIP, is one).