Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CRAP in Academia

This is the kind of thing that warms my heart: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17288-spoof-paper-accepted-by-peerreviewed-journal.html. I know a guy who was involved in what is considered one of the greatest college hoaxes of all time, the famous reversal of the Dr. Rice statue at Rice on the eve of commencement ceremonies. I got the story firsthand around a campfire, but really can't do it justice--only a pointy headed engineering type can really appreciate the subtleties involved. Essentially, the plot was at least two years in the making, and involved a great deal of study, testing, mock ups, and subterfuge--all in order to hoist the very large statue of old man Rice and turn it around so that his bony ass would be pointing at the assembled graduates and faculty. It was pulled off in the wee morning hours, with diversions aimed toward police and security working flawlessly, as well as the huge block and tackle apparatus that was deployed and quickly removed. Great stuff.

I'm pretty sure the young lady pictured here resting between calculus problems is not a Rice prof. It's an educated guess.

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