Monday, November 1, 2010

Left, Right, Left, Right...

An interesting study on why people turn out to be liberal or conservative:  Maybe, though there are some obvious exceptions to Vigil's thesis.  Anyway, go vote tomorrow and then please remove your hideous yard signs and bumper stickers for your favorite candidates--they've influenced no one but irritated many.  My next door neighbors--a nice, smart retired couple who are uber Democrats not only have political signs but sub signs on the larger signs.  These smaller signs spell out the legal penalty for removing or defacing political signs.  What happened was that during an election a few years ago, I went out to get my paper one Saturday morning and saw their signs were knocked down.  This was the obvious work of teenage boys roving around on a Friday night, bent on tearing up something when mailboxes prove unavailable.  But, nice next door neighbors interpreted it as the work of nefarious Republican operatives (is there any other type?) bent on the reintroduction of back alley abortions and killing old people.  So, if you ever think of knocking over the signs on my block, please be advised to read the smaller signs first.  Especially, if it's Karl Rove out raising Hell and knocking over mailboxes.

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