Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry Christmas, Damnit!

I get real tired of hearing "Happy Holidays" or "I'm going to a holiday party." What's so fricking bad about saying, "Merry Christmas" or going to a Christmas party? Apparently, a nice Jewish guy agrees:

I make a point of having "Merry Christmas" for both the cards sent out by the office and at home. I'm hoping that it will offend someone who finds it offensive and that they will complain to me. Then, I can tell them to shove their protest right up their chimney.


Ruprecht said...
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Ruprecht said...

One of my favorite Playboy Magazine cartoons of all time--at least a cartoon that didn't involve lesbians in some way--was the one that featured a bunch of boardroom types discussing their Christmas card.

Head of the middle manager types pipes up with, "'Season's Greetings.' Sounds okay. Run it by Legal."

Then there was the Christmas card that the gay cabellero sent to Hands and Apollo one year--On the cover it read, "I don't ordinarily send Christmas Cards...(open card)...TO JEWS!"

nimdok said...

Bumped into a buddy of mine at a Stars game last weekend - happens to be Jewish. I see him once a month when he hosts poker night, I was at the Bris of his youngest son, have shared kosher wine with him and his family, etc. Great guy - I would bend over backwards to make sure I didn't offend him.

As we split to head back to the game, he wished me and my family a "Merry Christmas". Not "...Christmas Season", "Happy Holidays" or any such nonsense.

Point is that the only people offended by Christmas are the same people that are teaching our children that - as anglo-Americans - they are guilty for just about every one of the world's ills.

I'm perfectly happy to refrain from sending them "Merry Christmas" cards. Problem is, Target's all out of "Fuck off, you insignificant oxygen thief" cards...

Ruprecht said...

I seem to recall you were a rather gifted artist, nimdok. If you've squandered that talent, then why not employ the services of graphic artist LURP to create just such a card. I know I'd buy a set of those.

Not mother?!