Monday, December 29, 2008

Plain Speaking on Africa

Matthew Parris, a confirmed atheist, provides rational insight into what is needed for a healthy Africa and it ain't the DailyKos crowd:

Interesting and entirely logical. Nice when someone thinks outside of the box they normally inhabit.


nimdok said...

Wow. Mighty good read.

Glenn Gunn said...

We are indeed fortunate to live in a day, age, and country in which our world view allows us to form our own opinions. There are many ways of knowing, and we are allowed, even encouraged, to explore them all. This hasn't always been the case in world history, even in Christianity. It wasn't so long ago that only priests were allowed to read the Bible, and all Christians were told that they could communicate with God only through their priest, despite the message in Hebrews of the supremacy of Christ and no other. Martin Luther revolutionized Christianity by changing this world view. What ultimately ensued was capitalism and the US of A.

Taras Bulba said...

Protestant heretic.

Glenn Gunn said...

to a fish eater, all the world is beef. dept. of redundancy dept.

Taras Bulba said...

Did you say, "beef" pew-jumper?