Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clear Thinking on the Farm

Blake Hurst, a Missouri farmer, eviscerates the agri-intellectuals and their notions of what correct and incorrect farming methods should be. Naturally, he represents substance over symbolism, an unfortunate position of fact versus muddle headed fancy regarding how food is brought to our table. Excellent reading.

Mrs. Taras is the daughter of a farmer and rancher and her brother in law is a current farmer in the Rio Grande Valley. One thing that was immediately apparent in knowing my father and law and brother in law is their contempt for those who profess to dictate to them what is best for them without any depth of understanding of what they do. And, there's a lot of that going around today; bright but horribly misguided people shaping policy that impacts those grounded in reality. Barbara Boxer: call your office.

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