Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Juicy Bits

Fox provides a brief survey of the new book, "Game Change," detailing the idiocy of the 2008 presidential campaign:
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/11/bombshell-account-campaign-juicy-bits/. I don't know anyone on the knuckle dragger side of the political spectrum that finds any of this shocking. On the other hand, it seems a lot of pinkos are doing some hand wringing after learning of the revelations. Of course, this is reported by Fox, so you know they are lying, LYING being the capitalist running dogs they are, wearing those tacky American flag lapel pins and stuff. Anyway, if you're keeping score here's how the inning played out:

1. John Edwards is a lying sack of shit.

2. Mrs. Edwards is a deranged bitch that should be kept off of tarmacs.

3. Bill Clinton likes him some strange. Yeah, baby.

4. Hillary Clinton has no hold on Bill's dick (yes, that's both literal and figurative). She'll also cut your balls off or knife out your ovaries if you cross her.

5. Obama is a clean black man with little or no perceptible negro dialect to speak of.

6. Joe Biden speaks in tongues.

7. Sarah Palin didn't read much of the Durant series on civilization and has never had bulgoki or kimchi.

8. Mrs. McCain is apparently a big fan of Lexington Steele.

9. Senator McCain is mainlining Cialis.

There's more but that will get you to the top of the second. The score remains, Washington, D.C. 9, America, 0.

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