Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On Chas

Prince Charles is apparently a fan of coffee enemas:http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2010/jul/23/deconstructing-prince-charles/.  I'm shocked, SHOCKED to hear of this.  Glad that Elizabeth is still hanging until William is old enough to drive the royal Land Rover.
Yes, I did choose this image.  He's obviously looking forward to his next cup of Folger's.
Mrs. Bulba has gone completely nuts over "The Tudors" series depicting Henry VIII's reign and devotion to the bone dance--she even took several of the DVDs to Colorado during our recent vacay.  All in all, they appear to be well done though I've only peeked at them between trips to the kitchen and bathroom.  I am fairly excited about HBO's upcoming series on prohibition era organized crime, which looks tasty in the same vein as "Deadwood," one of the best things that ever hit television viewing.  May have to subscribe in order to add more to the billion or so dollars a week that we send to Time Warner.  Now, there's a racket.

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