Friday, January 23, 2009

Africa, Now

It's been fairly common to see reports from right leaning sources of Bush's unprecedented commitment to Africa--more than any other president before him. Yet, you never heard a peep of this from Bush's pals at NBC or the New York Times. Now, conveniently after Obama is safely in office, the "mainstream" media (here, Dana Hughes of ABC) appears to be grudgingly giving W a little credit for throwing a lot of coin toward the dark continent Sort of like McCain: when he ran for the nomination against Bush, he was a media darling. Once he became the 2008 contender, McCain was then born again as a hideous neanderthal bent on casting gloom far and wide and otherwise not being nice. Now that he was properly thrashed by the forces of goodness, he's once again a wonderful curmudgeon, mavericking his way about the place and spanking John Cornyn when he needs it. One thing about the big media--they're predictable if nothing else.

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