Thursday, January 15, 2009

He's the Man

No, not Tiger Woods. It's this guy: David Fricking Feherty:;_ylt=AuhUboRKQwWdrJ6YhlMo1oYogsUF?urn=golf,134629. He's in my top four to have dinner with, but the other guys (even Bob Lee) would be just like me--unable to get anything down due to laughing their ass off. On second thought, I'd probably bump Jesus for the Feherty dinner. No disrespect, just that it would be a helluva note to see Him spew gravy all over his shroud. Feherty will do that to you.

1 comment:

nimdok said...

Agreed. He's on my list, too.

fyi - the other 3 are on that list of english girlies posted earlier. I don't care which 3.