Friday, October 9, 2009

He Got What?

Did I go to sleep for four years and miss something, like maybe Ahmadinejad donning a yarmulke and celebrating Yom Kippur or Kim Jong il offering to step down and let the citizens elect a leader?

Rumor has it that our self-proclaimed, new and improved “Prince of Peace” has been awarded the nobel peace prize. Is this true, and if so, for what? Reading flowery speeches – which he does quite well btw – off a teleprompter? Bowing before sectarian warlord “kings”? Playing patty-cake with ego-maniacal nutjobs who just happen to lead backward countries that have the potential – and expressed desire – to kill each and every one of us? Ignoring our friends and sucking up to our enemies? Accepting the blame (well, not him personally. He’s actually speaking for you and me) for all of mankind’s woes, and offering, as a form of recompense I suppose, to turn us into a second class socialist society? Assuming that with little more than a wink and a nod – and a wee bit of groveling – he can cure what ails us?
Is that what it takes to win such a "prestigious" award? If so, I guess Cooperstown’s next, ‘cause his efforts at world peace so far have – for all intents and purposes - had about as much success as that first pitch he threw out…


Shellback said...
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Anonymous said...

Time to re-read this article so you'll better understand "The One".

Shellback said...

Grrr...can't really post links on this thing.

Click on "Anonymous" in the 2nd comment.

Ruprecht said...

Is it for bombing the moon, perhaps?