Thursday, October 15, 2009

On Skunks

Nice little piece on skunks: I've encountered skunks a lot over the years--mostly while hunting and sometimes in whatever neighborhood I was living. They're mostly fearless; outside of owls, not many things will mess with them and they sort of walk around with that attitude. One of the most terrifying moments I ever experienced was on a hunt long ago when I was sitting under a cedar elm in a sort of makeshift blind of old logs and brush. It was before the break of daylight when out of the corner of my eye a skunk silently walked into my little bunker, sniffing around for something to eat. I sat there in something between a cold sweat and outright bowel movement in absolute abject terror of Pepe deciding maybe to break one off in my direction. Horrible feeling and I can tell you that heightened fear in a situation like that will serve as a splendid wake up for the rest of the day. Fortunately, my little friend wandered off and was hopefully eaten by a barn owl. I've used skunk scent as a cover scent when hunting over the years. Like stepping in a pile of fresh cow shit, skunk scent works as a pretty good block for the disgusting man scent that is loathed by delightful Disney animals far and wide. You have to be careful not to get it on your hands, though, or eating tacos will become a little less enjoyable. Of course, the best thing is bird season when you don't have to worry about a cover scent. Or, just say "to hell with it" and not worry about your scent and instead, nod off while reading a page turner in the blind. Most often, when you wake up, you'll see something looking at you wondering just how in the hell something can snore that loud. Works for me every time.

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