Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Wine and Fish Problem Explained

No one ever really knew why red wine tasted bad with fish or vice versa--some thought it was due to tannins. Now, we know: I had a couple of glasses of a malbec with octopus last weekend and it went well. Maybe that's an exception or malbec doesn't have much iron or maybe octopus is just too damn disgusting to matter. Anyway, it all went down well. On another wine note, I was in a golf cart yesterday with a guy talking about the wonderful wine in Italy, apparently free of sulfides or something or the other and its rather inexpensive availability everywhere. So, with all that in mind, it will be a wine night tonight and should be a good one for it--cool and perfect for sitting outside by a fire and talking about how awful the neighbors are.


nimdok said...

hmmmm, judging by your choices in restaurant cuisine and golf course conversation you are a "man" of refined, educated, and discriminating tastes. All I can figure is that them panties you were wearing last weekend was a smidge tight, else you would have noticed the slight mud cat like flavor that was imparted to the sautéed cephalopod by the table wine you were sippin' on...

Glenn Gunn said...

You should have stuck with md 20 20. It really ties the room together.