Thursday, July 2, 2009


The 4th is upon us and with it, the heavy summer vacation period when people drift away and the guy you need to talk to in order to get something done is suddenly gone for two weeks. I've always admired the folks that go to cooler climes in the summer: it seems I either stick it out or go to someplace even hotter. Up north or east or wherever, they have "summer homes" on the "shore" where they escape to in order to break out all of their L.L. Bean gear and gripe about Republican scum and the scarcity of decent bread in America. Here's something along those lines:

I don't have a vacation home. I've thought about it but have never come close to doing anything. It would be nice to have your own place on the coast or wherever, but it would end up being a great deal for friends and family who would probably spend more time there than your own clan--at least that's how it would develop for me. That's the way it works unless you're the asshole type who forbids anyone other than their immediate family from staying. The other problem is that you would have someone like this young lady staying next door who would grow tired of the beach and would begin making multiple trips over to borrow cups of sugar and whatnot. Really bothersome, some people.

1 comment:

Glenn Gunn said...

I have clearly missed out by not ever having a vacation house, a boat, a Winnebago, a motorcycle, or a mistress.

Nimdok, are any of these on your birthday list?