Friday, July 24, 2009

Let 'em loose

That's what Lenore Skenazy says about children in her book called, "Free Range Kids": I endorse this idea. We're fixated on protecting our kids against the dangers of life while ignoring the fact that the world is infinitely safer for our children now than when we navigated through our own growing years. Of course, that's an easy concept to agree with if you either have no children or yours are already grown. Try it while you watch your youngster disappear out of sight down the street in a busy neighborhood just after watching a bulletin on TV regarding the latest Amber alert. Easier said than done. Still, doing what you can to instill a sense of independence in your children and letting them wander is a great thing and whenever you can promulgate this practice your kids are beneficiaries of something they need for those tough days ahead.

We had a lot of freedom when I was a kid, most notably in the summer. In those days, parents shooed you out of the house and wouldn't let you in unless it was meal time. You stayed outside-- inventing games, torturing frogs, throwing rocks at each other, learning to cuss, fighting, picking at dog and insect bites, seeking out fireworks and other contraband, and drinking water out of a garden hose when thirsty. Overall, highly instructional in terms of preparation for days ahead. When you get home this evening, tell junior or sis to get their little ass out of the house and stay out until you call 'em in for dinner. You and the missus can then square away a couple of cocktails and maybe settle a little business of your own with the house all to yourselves. Not a bad idea.


nimdok said...

There isn't a bottled water out there that tastes as good as water out of a garden hose did to me when I was a kid. Probably 'cause it was about one-twenty in the shade and me and my friends had been hard at smearball or somesuch for an hour or so.
Just had to make sure you weren't first in line, no matter how thirsty you were - water was hotter bathwater 'til you emptied out the hose.

Taras Bulba said...

My own kids have seen me drink water out of the hose and were somewhat amazed. I failed as a parent.

Glenn Gunn said...

I am sensing a common theme among some of your posts lately: frog torturing.

Is there a latent psychosis rattling around in there?