Friday, November 13, 2009

Einstein and American Jewry

A somewhat lengthy article by Walter Isaacson regarding Einstein's 1921 visit to the United States and the friction between the sparring Jewish camps of European Zionists and more assimilated American Jews:

I spent some time in Israel long ago, and until then, didn't have much regarding any intelligent thoughts regarding Jews, since I pretty much never knew any before that visit. That was an eye opener. Contrary to the image on television at the time, it wasn't an "all for one, one for all" type thing over there--instead, I discovered that Jews ran the string from the ultra-orthodox Hasim all the way to those completely secularized. Now, I live in a neighborhood that is popular with Jews, and Mrs. Bulba and I belong the Jewish Community Center around the corner from my house, which also houses three or four temples, from orthodox to reform. In other words, we know a lot of Jews. Like Christians, they of course have their own set of foibles, squabbles, fights, etc. particular to their culture and it's sometimes interesting for a goyem to observe a different religious tradition --we even attend Passover Seder at the invitation of some good friends. Anyway, I've learned a lot and especially, to be careful in judging people.

Here are my chief complaints about Jews (alert the media):

1. Closing the JCC fitness center at 6pm on Friday and not reopening at 12:30pm on Saturday for sh abbot. I can't believe they haven't figured out a way to navigate around this problem. Surely, they can contact the Vatican and borrow a dispensation or two to get around this.

2. All of the "holiday" closings of the fitness center during the year. Okay, maybe a day or so for Passover and Yom Kippur, but come on: why so many others? In other words, let's eliminate any fitness or healthy activities and sit around and suffer for the day? Jee-suz.

3. Complaints over not being able to find a good bagel. Okay, it's a piece of dough and you're not in New York. Get over it, already.

4. The pork and shellfish deal: okay, all of your secular (and more than a few religious) Jews already ignore all of the dietary restrictions and get after the bacon and fried shrimp like good Catholics but we need to get something done regarding the others. Why discriminate against pigs? They're fairly bright animals, and there's nothing in this world that doesn't taste good fried in lard, so obviously God got over whatever hissy fit He had over them. Same with shrimp--hard to find one that doesn't taste good. While we're marching and carrying on about social justice (man, I hear that constantly) why not go ahead and sign off on pork ribs and crawfish, too?

5. Few linebackers and offensive linemen. Lots of Jewish kids at our high school. Great for GPA/bad for football. I'd like to see a guy named Noah or Chaim playing nose guard once that wasn't black.

Next week: complaints about Catholics. Following week: godless Episcopalians.

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