Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On the Fort Hood Massacre

A few pieces reflecting on what occur ed, and more specifically, on the politically correct reaction to the event: I like Varadarajan's take the best. Here's another one by David Brooks, the nominal "conservative" op ed writer for the NYT:

Varadarajan is a clear thinker. I agree with his final comments on what is going on in the U.S. Army. That's a seriously screwed up organization to allow a shitbird like Hassan to be promoted while at the same time receiving negative fitness reports and running his line of jihadist smack. And really, there's not a single community or group or random band of thugs in America preying on Muslims. None. Yet we hear these pronouncements of "not bringing violence on the Muslim community after each of these curiously frequent acts perpetrated by Muslims on their fellow Americans occurs--Americans who welcomed them and opened their doors to freedom and opportunity to them. What most Americans feel (those outside of the coasts who have some semblance of horse sense) is that they're damn tired of these folks who insist on not assimilating when they move here and adhering to a religious viewpoint that considers those living around them as infidels and unclean in the eyes of Allah. Here's an idea for all of you Islamofascists living here: take a flight back to those shit holes you came from where you can resume buggering boys and livestock and beating your wives each morning before breakfast. You'll raise the level of civility in both places.

1 comment:

Glenn Gunn said...

In the year 2009, it seems more difficult then ever before to distinguish friends from enemies, good from evil, prosperity from adversity.

Nonetheless, there is progress. Today is better than yesterday. And, there is one far-off divine event to which the whole creation moves.

Anyone up for a toga party?