Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Frogs Take a Stand

Once every decade or so, I agree with the French and Hitchens explains it convincingly:
http://www.slate.com/id/2253493/. Christopher is a very bright lad--much smarter than his teachers thinking his own thoughts and all and about the half the time annoys me with some of the tangents he follows. The other half of the time, I'm sure he bugs the other half of the population. I couldn't agree more with him on this veil deal with the Muslim fanatics living in France for no other reason than to suck the marrow provided by idiotic welfare states while at the same time plotting their demise. Good going, Hitch.

1 comment:

Glenn Gunn said...

More than most cultures, the French seem conflicted with who they are.

Americans rally around life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Islam rallies around death to America (actually death to everyone, including themselves).

Germans are rigidly logical; they must obey all rules.

Italians are rigidly non logical; they must find all loopholes.

Canadians are contended complainers.

But, the French are never happy.

I work for a company with a sizable presence in France. The real estate gurus there have implemented flex cube space, meaning no offices for anyone and no cubicals are assigned to an individual. Each morning brings a Darwinian competition for the most sought after work space. This had lead to actual fisticuffs on several occasions. Maybe it was a glove slap. Would have entertaining to witness.