Tuesday, June 15, 2010


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703685404575307042002589752.html?mod=ITP_pageone_1. Mrs. Bulba enjoys watching his "No Reservations" show, which means that Mr. Bulba gets to watch it, too. It's fairly entertaining at times--Bourdain eats a lot of interesting stuff from around the world and isn't some fussy foodie type, eschewing lamb for tofu or something. However, I did see an episode where he traveled to Provence in order to hang with the frogs and he did his level best to suck up to them and slaved away cooking some regional specialty of theirs only to have them do the typical frog turn of the nose at what he presented. Ungrateful bastards--he should have turned the Wehrmacht on them.

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