Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jimmy Dean, RIP

Interesting write up:
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703685404575307042002589752.html?mod=ITP_pageone_1. He did okay for a country ass from Plainview. And, if you've ever been in or around Plainview, that's much more than an understatement. Also, I'm now hungry for some pan fried sausage.


nimdok said...

Not to speak ill of the recently departed, but I gotta tell you that Mama Nimdok had business dealings w/ Mr. Dean, and called him just about the most pompous ass she ever met.

Taras Bulba said...

I can see/believe that. Being rich and owning yachts can have that effect.

Glenn Gunn said...

A Jimmy Dean quote with a little truth in it:

"Formal education is a marvelous thing. But unless it’s liberally sprinkled with plain old common horse sense, it’s not worth a shit."

I am guessing that he always resented anyone with an education. He was given an honorary high school diploma (after a generous gift to PISD) a few years ago.