If you thought of yourself as a fair hand at partying, read this and you'll realize that you're an amateur:
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703433704575303743290834292.html?KEYWORDS=richard+burton. 23 tequila shots would pretty much deep six most of us, but Burton was an Englishman, with a system derived from centuries of Anglo Saxon drunkenness and not so selective breeding. Taylor's still kicking though she long ago became daffy from all of the booze and penis worship. My favorite Burton role is in "Night of the Iguana." Great pic and it put Puerto Vallarta on the map. After the movie and the stories of Burton, Liz, John Huston, and Ava Gardner all blowing it out and amazing the locals with tequila and cigarette consumption, everyone wanted to go there (or Acapulco) to do the ugly gringo thing. Largely succeeded at it, too.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703433704575303743290834292.html?KEYWORDS=richard+burton. 23 tequila shots would pretty much deep six most of us, but Burton was an Englishman, with a system derived from centuries of Anglo Saxon drunkenness and not so selective breeding. Taylor's still kicking though she long ago became daffy from all of the booze and penis worship. My favorite Burton role is in "Night of the Iguana." Great pic and it put Puerto Vallarta on the map. After the movie and the stories of Burton, Liz, John Huston, and Ava Gardner all blowing it out and amazing the locals with tequila and cigarette consumption, everyone wanted to go there (or Acapulco) to do the ugly gringo thing. Largely succeeded at it, too.
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