Friday, November 7, 2008

Rakin' the Chips

Last night's gambling excursion reminded me once again that poker is a great metaphor for life. In both there are safe bets, sucker bets, and sure things. "Safe bets" are plentiful, easy to spot, keep you in the game, and 9 times out of 10 are the right course of action. Problem is that you never really get that I-just-raked-a-huge-fuckin'-pot elation that comes from hittin' on a big risk. "Sucker bets" are the apple in the game's Eden, and eventually everybody will take a bite and get kicked out of paradise. "Sure things" are sucker bets on steroids, and have the damnable habit of paying off just regularly enough to make you think you know what you're doing. You don't, though, at least not as much as you think you do. Every player loses his seat at a game as the result of a "sure thing".

When it's all said and done, if you break even at the big game you're way ahead of the curve.

1 comment:

Taras Bulba said...

"You guys playing cards?"

Blackjack is like that in the sense that you can employ great concentration over a two hour period which will most often net you, at best, break even. That's too much work. I prefer a session of light bondage and gentle spanking over that same time frame, but that's just me.