Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rove Weighs In

Rove says the numbers (and the gloom) are not what they appear.
Of course, both Rove and O'Rourke didn't discuss the inevitable occurrence of Democrats stepping on their collective dicks prior to the next general election (that goes for you too, Ms. Pelosi) and the positive fallout that will benefit the R's. The D's are determined not to: they're filling their White House staff ranks with Clinton vets who they think have learned from the hijinks of Bill's Happy Happy Fun Time years and can apply those lessons to make Prez elect Obama the Six Billion Dollar Man. The D's are smart people, with degrees from Brown and Choate and Hahvad--just the kind of folks who sat around the table with LBJ and told him it was a good idea to boost troop levels in Vietnam to get rid of those pesky VC's, while showing the world that liberals are tough guys, too. I've never been happy with what I and a lot of others have perceived as W's lack of intellectual curiosity and Lord knows he could have benefited from Reagan's Communication 101, but one thing that history has taught us is that well intentioned smart people can do some ridiculously stupid things. I hope Obama and his team proves us wrong, but I'm betting that Karl and P.J. probably won't take that bet.

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