Thursday, November 20, 2008

Southern Smack

Some good old fashioned SEC jawing, this time courtesy of some Ole Miss types about their next door white trash neighbors over in Baton Rouge (you listening to this, Shellback?)


nimdok said...

Oh, if only BU had such a blog - somewhere, anywhere. All balls, no bullshit. Wit and cockiness in abundance. Attitude a'plenty. No fear.

We wipe our asses with the aggies a few more times it just might happen. Better yet, people might even read it...

Ruprecht said...

Actually, it does. I think the NoZe might be behind it, but there was such a blog. I think it died, but I'll dig it up.

Where do you FIND this shit, Buckner?

nimdok said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ruprecht said...

"Were you about to call me an asshole????"

nimdok said...

Naw - If I'd a-had the urge to call you an asshole, I'd a-gone ahead and done it.

I had to go back and read that Ole Miss blog again. Damn, that is some funny stuff.

Taras Bulba said...

William Faulkner was a fraud. And, a goddamn SAE.

nimdok said...

He was no fraud, he was an honest drunk who hung with a bad crowd...

Taras Bulba said...

He was a failed postman who captured the imagination of half-assed effete salon patrons with his turgid and overwraught prose. He then pretended to be Southern gentry, fox hunting with Virginia nancy boys and falling off his horse a lot. He drank because he knew he was a phony.

That's my take. Probably a tad harsh. I need a drink.