Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bad Day in Bombay

An interesting piece by an American trapped during the terrorist seige in Bombay that depicts both the bravery of some average Indians and the dynamics of being caught in such a situation:

Terrorists have been around for a long time, notably in that part of the world, though they have gone by different names. Everything that I have read suggests that the methods employed by the British Raj during the 19th century were ultimately the most effective in stamping out such behavior (see the aftermath of the Cawnpore Massacre). As for this most recent batch of scum, may their remains be sewed up in pigskin and thrown to the bottom of the most vile septic field in India. For the lone terrorist survivor, the Tommies were once fond of tying them across the barrel of a piece of artillery for a proper sendoff into the land of 72 year old virgins.


nimdok said...

Speaks volumes for the average citizen of India (heroic, honorable), as it does about the cock-suckers who killed indiscriminately under the guise of some religious/political cause. TB, methinks your thoughts on punishment and retribution are a wee bit tame. You wearing a skirt today?

Taras Bulba said...

Yes, I am but it's a short one.