Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bending Over

That's what Pinkel and his young gentlemens will probably spend a great deal of Saturday doing, at least according to our friends at EDSBS:

Who knows--maybe the Sooners aren't in to that barnyard stuff and won't be properly motivated.

Excellent stuff. Also, the Auburn smack is delicious. Reminds me of my Aunt Syble's biscuits. She lived northwest of there in Anniston and spent most of her waking hours in her kitchen, dragging on Winston's and sipping warm Schlitz while swatting flies and casting dispersions on my Uncle Hugh. A large can of lard was always nearby and it went into everything. I'm almost certain her cast iron skillet had a flame underneath 24/7. Good eatin'. Uncle Hugh played a lot of solitaire when he wasn't nursing on a fine batch of Early Times. He was once a great basketball player out of the little town of Forney. In his junior year, his team was invited to a tournament in Atlanta and were feted at a banquet at a fancy hotel. The first course was brought out-- a salad served on a doily. So, the country ass boys from Forney looked at each other and jointly decided that cleaning your plate meant just that, so down went the salad, doily and all. I'm reasonably certain that the servers, undoubtedly black men from Atlanta, laughed their asses off for a good fifty or so years afterward.


nimdok said...
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nimdok said...

man, dat be some funny shit. edsbs blog too.

Taras Bulba said...

Lard gets me hot.

nimdok said...

Well, then my ass ought to really steam things up...