Sunday, December 28, 2008

Omsk, We Have a Problem

Our man, Gutfeld alerts us to the latest failure in Soviet, uh, Russian ballistic missile development: I have frankly missed having the Soviets around, with their outstanding propaganda and vodka induced industrial catastrophes. Capitalism in that frozen hellhole has only brought us Putin doing karate tricks and rich Russians evicting Hollywood types from Vail and Aspen, along with a wave of whores bringing undeserved comfort to Japanese businessmen and bond traders the world over. If you're like me, you long for the days of Soviet space and military disasters--returning capsules stranded in the Siberian wilderness with oxygen deprived cosmonauts fending off circling wolves or the entire Black Sea arsenal going up in a magnificent blast, courtesy of an Ivan lighting up a hideous Soviet cigarette next to a magazine of leftover T-34 ammunition. Not made up, by the way.

1 comment:

Shellback said...

I recall reading the Secret intel reports about the tremendous explosions that destroyed most Soviet Northern Fleet's missiles, mines, etc.

Last I read about it was that there was an accident while transferring some SAMs to truck using a crane and that caused the initial explosion.

Blast doors on many storage bunkers had apparently been left open in violation of safety procedures which contributed greatly to the conflagration.