Friday, April 16, 2010

"Feed me, Mandrake"

Another excellent little piece from the WSJ, this time on one of the left's favorite in a long line of notorious knuckle draggers, General Curtis LeMay: Supposedly, George C. Scott's over the top and deliciously hilarious character in "Strangelove," General Buck Turgison(sp) was based on LeMay. I don't know--LeMay was a pretty damn serious cat and scared the living shit out of the Soviets for a long while there when he was running SAC. I'm fairly certain that LeMay would have never allowed the Soviet ambassador to see the "big board." Take a look at the photo: is that a guy you want to fuck with before breakfast? I think not and neither did the Soviets who had no choice but to drink.
Sorry for the last obscure NL reference.

1 comment:

Ruprecht said...

Great find. Thanks.