Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here I Am!

A local columnist wrote a piece in Sunday's paper concerning Facebook. This particular writer is reasonably conservative, and I have always found him to be well grounded. In other words, not only do I read his stuff, I usually make it to the end of his column without convulsing with anger/pity/shock/nausea.

To wit, he recommended started a Facebook page. Like me (he seems to be about my age), he had long eschewed such nonsense, leaving it to recent elementary/high school/college grads who had much more time, computer knowledge, and probably disposable income on their hands. However, he decided to give it shot, and after a few months he had done a complete turn around. Thought it was the greatest thing since free porn. He had re-connected with old friends, got little "hello" messages all the time, blah, blah blah.

I still don't know. The idea of sharing the tedium of my average day with the rest of the world seems, well, to be more than just a bit self-centered. "My son kicked me in the shin last night. Little bastard - it hurt like hell". "I started the day with the most satisfying dump of the last 3 weeks!". Riveting stuff. I mean, that's what this blog is for, right?

Don't get me wrong - reconnecting and reminiscing w/ old buddies is one of my favorite pastimes. Sharing a few frosty beverages, discussing the many fuck-ups of our youth, embellishing the numerous failures with women, exaggerating other conquests that really weren't something to be proud of, and generally dredging up memories so painful that we had spent years burying, I just can't get enough of that stuff.

Still, do I want to open myself up to the whole world on a daily basis? I did a quick check at "Facebook Search" and quickly found a few girls whom I, uh, dated many years ago. Do I really want them finding me as easily?


Glenn Gunn said...

advice from a parent with teenagers: Facebook is not age appropriate for you.

I created a Facebook page but have nothing on it. My kids have threatened to disown me if it ever becomes active.

Maybe I should do as they do and not as they say: perhaps their prohibition should me make even more determined to do it.

nimdok said...

Not age appropriate - that is exactly what I have always assumed. I had never even looked at Facebook until I read the referenced column and was advised by an old college chum that it was a good communication tool.

Thanks for the heads up. I will continue to act my age, although I'm starting to wonder if there is anything left (besides 4:30 dinner at Luby's) that is age appropriate for me...