Monday, February 9, 2009

Martini Wars

Jason Wilson, one of the limp wristed salon lurking Troskyites over at the Washington Post says the WSJ is all wrong about what makes a good martini: We've had a lot of discussion lately about martinis (see previous posts by both Shellback and yours truly on the subject).

Wilson calls those under the banner of the dry martinis "bullies" and advocates a fruitier concoction. Figures. I think Mr. Wilson squats to take a piss. While wearing a beret.
Please note that the attractive lady at right is not holding what would be technically described as a martini and that I don't care.


nimdok said...

Mr. Wilson, why don't I just bend over and experience some of the other hallmark behaviors of fruity drink drinkers?

In the olden days my buddies from Germany would puff up and get really beligerent when an unknowing bartender would try to put a lemon in their weiss bier. Now they just say "no fucking fruit" every time they order a brew in the U.S. Any beer.

Taras Bulba said...

I like lime with my Modelo Especial. Am I gay? I do feel like humming Broadway show tunes.

nimdok said...

Lime with Modelo is jake. I do the same. The germans had a big problem with lemons in their weiss biers. They eventually got fed up with trying to explain that to ditzy waitresses with big titties, so now just say "no fucking fruit" on every beer order. As far as a judicious use of their time, I'd say that was a good call. Less explaining, more looking.

Now about the show tunes...