Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Speaking of knuckle draggers...

Found the following "interview" with Charles Darwin to be quite entertaining,

I guess I'm as knowledgeable about the theory of evolution as the next guy, but I never bothered to study too much about Mr. Darwin's personal life or beliefs. I have never let my own personal religious beliefs get in the way of my grasp of science, and figured most scientists felt the same way. It was interesting to read of Darwin' orthodox religious beliefs, at least those he held as a young man, and to imagine Darwin's own internal wrestling with the issue. Turns out, it really wasn't much of a wrestling match - more of a forfeit.

I guess I have always imagined that evolution and religion were kinda like frosted flakes and beer. Most would say that you can’t combine the two, but that nonsense doesn’t apply to my way of thinking. Religion, as it is “created” by man, is the fly in the ointment, the frosted flakes in the beer. I haven’t found a food yet that isn’t positively accentuated by a good beer, and I haven’t seen or imagined a world yet where God isn’t hovering around somewhere…


Taras Bulba said...

I saw an article a week or two ago that touched on Darwin's marriage. Apparently, his wife was very devout yet they had by all accounts a great marriage. She even carefully transcribed all of his writings on evolution despite them running counter to her beliefs. He was very respectful of her and avoided any disrespect toward her faith. They both deserve a lot of credit in this regard.

nimdok said...

Avoiding disrespect is the ingredient most lacking in most private and public interactions these days.

Glenn Gunn said...

Am I the only one who sees cruel irony in pictures of Lee Van Cleef and Billy Redden accompanying these two posts?