Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here you go...

...something for all of you knuckle draggers to gnaw on after you're through suppressing voters for the day: http://www.slate.com/toolbar.aspx?action=print&id=2210158. Professor Appiah, between sips of fair trade latte, reviews Professor Wolfe's treatise on "The Future of Liberalism." Ripping stuff here including the obligatory smug put downs of BushHitler and the overall backwardness of the great unwashed red voters. That is, by Appiah. Herr Doktor Wolfe though seems like a fairly reasoned fellow, at least willing to cede that there may actually be another point of view, wrongheaded as it may be. Most folks, even if they identify themselves as liberal or conservative are usually able to admit after a few pops or intensive police interrogation that the other side may have a point now and then. That's probably what's been on the mind of many people during the last year or so and Obama certainly capitalized on that sentiment by casting himself as a more reasoned champion of a more united country. Got him more than a few normally red votes. That's admirable (though tough to pull off) and he deserves not only credit for seizing the day with the big picture issue but also some slack in the initial stage of his presidency. Likewise, conservatives in the guise of the Republican Party would do well to figure out that the ship has sailed on a whole lot of stuff that provided useless ballast for them in the last campaign. In other words, return to a party that thinks big and values big thinking. Stand for something once in a while and get rid of the nabobs.

Boobs are good though. That's one thing the conservatives are going good at--hot, good looking chicks. Something to build on.


Inca From Peru said...

Every time I hear the phrase "hot conservative chicks", Ann Coulter comes to mind. Deflating.

Several years ago I found a good deal on a '94 Isuzu Trooper, pretty much what I was looking for at the time. Big enough to haul around stuff for work (or my fishing gear), small enough to fit in my garage. Four-wheel drive, so it was good for the beach.

The only thing was, the guy I was thinking of buying it from had festooned it with stickers like the ones on the back of that Previa - Amnesty International, handgun reform, PETA, etc. It did not matter whether I was for or against any of that stuff - I didn't want to buy a vehicle with a bunch of tacky bumper stickers affixed to it. So I told the guy I'd buy it, if he could get the stickers off without messing up the paint job.

He did, too. I don't know what he used. Some kind of mineral spirits or something; nothing that would harm the environment, I am sure.

Taras Bulba said...

I think Coulter is an act. Maybe she really feels the way she comes off on TV, but she for sure knows what she's doing sells tickets.

I had a '94 Trooper and regret to this day getting rid of it. A little underpowered but a solid vehicle and I drove it through a lot of rough or muddy roads and ranches. Once, pulled out a F-150 and a Chevy Silverado within an hour on the same owl shit slick sendero. Isuzu should have been there to film it and maybe they would still be building the things.

nimdok said...

Fuck, I really wish I hadn't clicked on that link. I'm sure to be sportin' a major case of the red ass for the rest of the day.

Taras Bulba said...

Just doing my part to bring light into darkness. Hint: if the source is Slate, chances are good that the writer drives a hybrid and jerks off to a recurring fantasy of storming his college's administration building.