Thursday, April 16, 2009


Nice smack from Gutfeld--note the David Gergen "thumb" reference: In other news, Mrs. Taras had that E show, "Chelsea Lately" on last night as I was nodding off. I think I heard that Out Magazine has come out with their top 100 homosexuals which apparently includes 3 or 4 individuals not previously "outed," including CNN darling, Anderson Cooper. Cooper, as noted by Gutfeld, has been having fun with the "tea bagging" term at the expense of the government spending protesters. I guess it's now safe to say that Anderson is probably real familiar with the concept.

I also read a Newsweek piece yesterday by Paul Begala proclaiming April 15th as "Patriots Day" in America and scolding anyone who is not patriotically happy to pay taxes as insulting to military heroes. I think it's fair to say that scoundrels on both sides of the political aisle are guilty of wrapping themselves in the flag to suit their own agendas but Begala continues to amaze with his razor sharp sleaziness. Watching him carry water for Clinton's hi jinks for all of those years was pretty sickening and I had sort of hoped that he would eventually go away but he lives on to sling shit across the fruited plains with glee. On a personal note as a long time customer of the IRS who has never once failed to pay a pretty damn hefty amount of what I earn to the government without complaint, I would like to offer a hearty "Fuck You" to Begala from the bottom of my heart and you can stick your phony bullshit and redistribution of income schemes straight up your ass. Oh, and Paul--I knew a bunch of those guys who fought in World War II that you mention and ZERO of them did it for the likes of you and your ideas of a socialist paradise. In fact, they would have all kicked your sorry white ass, given the opportunity. I'll stop there and go take my medication.


Glenn Gunn said...

Be careful with your choice of words for expressing sentiment to Mr. Begala. I heard he once offered similar sentiment to Mr. Cooper, who unfortunately thought it was offered from "the heart of my bottom."

Purity of essence was not maintained.

Shellback said...

I'm sensing a lot of anger here and I understand that you also own firearms. That would make you fit nicely into DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's definition of a potential terrorist, a right-wing extremist.