Friday, April 24, 2009

Extend This

Are you completely fed up with the unending wave of dick pill and wang extender ads on your color television set? Okay then, here's a little something for you: This is the most horrible and creepiest of the bunch and nothing makes it worse than its appearance when you're sitting in front of the television amongst mixed company--I'm talking about spouse and teenage daughter kind of company here. Just awful. Can we go on record with something now; that there is not a forty something man in America and probably planet earth who is NOT aware that there are some remedies available for penis lag. EVERYONE knows the brands and how to get them so can we knock off the relentless ad campaigns, especially during seemingly innocuous programming? In fact, the drug companies can eschew the TV ads and just mail some samples out to every man in America over forty and they will achieve more success than throwing up Cialis ads every ninety seconds on the goddamn golf channel.

End of rant. Sarah Varone (pictured above right) agrees with our assessment.

1 comment:

lurch said...

Penis lag? Your shlong dragging several feet behind you wherever you go? If so, congrats!