Monday, April 13, 2009

More Dutton (Revised)

This time about fire walking and other things while in New Guinea: I have fire walked before, but while wearing footwear and doing it completely unintentionally while under the medicinal effects of adult beverages. It will sort of wake you up if you haven't tried it before. Other silly things I have done include:

Attempting to replace an outdoor faucet (discussed here, previously)

Climbing onto the saddle on a world champion barrel racing horse precisely where the starting mark was for the barrel racing track. I somehow lived.

Biting off and chewing an entire jalapeno once to impress a girl. She got to see me cry, so I guess that worked out okay.

Hitting a 3 iron (also probably discussed here)

Hitting a sand wedge off of hard pan (done about four times on Friday, with spectacularly hideous results each time)

Attempting to place decorative Easter arrangements on the outdoor tables for the big gathering at our house yesterday. Failed miserably and was hounded out of the area by Mrs. Taras.

More to come...
Inviting three women I was interested in (one of them became Mrs. Taras) along with the female I was currently dating to the same Halloween party that I threw. A harrowing experience. For some reason, each one thought that I had invited her as my principal interest for the evening and I spent almost the entire night behaving like a crazed idiot, alternately babbling and running RUNNING for cover. Don't ever do that.
The infamous "Hell Goat/666" incident known to my friends and one which can not be fully described here for purposes of, well, it just can't. I'll just say it involved a recently deceased angora goat (whose death was caused by one of its horns growing into its eye) being hoisted by a rope and tied to the shower nozzle of a girls dormitory in a Baptist sponsored retreat with the numerals "666" scrawled on the wall above it. Yes, I'm going to hell and let's just keep it at that.
Running for and being elected to the school board of the parochial school my children attended. Mark Twain was correct.
Owning a leisure suit. Mine was turquoise colored and I wore it to the spring sports banquet during my junior year in high school. White belt and shoes, too. The horror....the horror....

1 comment:

Glenn Gunn said...

My candidates for silliness:

Playing full court basketball with my 15 year old son and his friends for 45 minutes. Resulted in a noticable 4 day hitch in my get-along.

Thinking that a new vacuum cleaner would be the perfect mothers' day gift.

Selling Brinker stock in December at $10. It was at $20 in September and is now at $18.

Multiple incidents of road rage, even though precipitated by the acts of others.

Anyone have a good goat story to add to the list?