I selected this piece by Jack Cafferty, not because I consider him a sage on the subject, but because it's brief and cuts to the chase in terms of the war on drugs: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/03/31/cafferty.legal.drugs/index.html. I've been asking myself for a long time if what we're currently doing as a nation really makes sense when it comes to dope. It goes against my nature to want to yell calf rope, but does the effort really make a difference for the better? I don't know. I would like to hear from more people on the front lines; both law enforcement and drug users and recovering addicts to weigh their views on the matter.
Is there a family out there not touched by drug abuse? Most certainly, but maybe they're the exception now. Drugs have ruined lives in my own and my wife's side of the family and I'm not sure the incarceration of those afflicted really accomplished anything. They were and are generally good natured people but addicted and seemingly unable to kick the vice. Does locking them up really matter for the better? Cafferty also says in his piece that legalization would bring revenues to the coffers in terms of a tax on dope and less expenditures for law enforcement. Further, he says it would pretty much nullify drug cartels. I don't completely buy that, especially the part about less expenditures. From what I've seen, that money would simply be used by congress to fund other pet projects, so we wouldn't save anything. And, I'm thinking the cartels are clever enough people to make sure they had a seat at the money pile--they ain't going to walk away so we're still going to have bad guys to contend with in any scenario. All that said, I'd like to know what others think about this. What say ye?