Monday, March 30, 2009

More Frog News

I read this piece yesterday and thought all of you frog apologists might like it: Apparently, Sophie Pedder says everyone is all wrong about Parisians and other frog types being rude--we just don't understand their culture. Essentially, Parisians place great emphasis on order and the observance of social mores and we mistake their rudeness--we just didn't properly set the stage by greeting them in the correct manner. Being a native of a Southern state, I can appreciate that. Hell, some northern transplants and their inability to function with anything remotely in the neighborhood of civility never cease to amaze me. But, I think Madame Pedder goes a little over the top in her apologies for behavior over there. I've encountered French school children of whom she praises as models of excellent decorum in other places as well as groups of frog tourists and I'll just say that Mdm. Pedder and I can agree to disagree. One thing though, she has some great tips for where to stay, where to eat, and where to go when in Paris--useful stuff for your next visit. Bonne journee, y'all.

1 comment:

nimdok said...

Goes a long way towards explaining why the French soldier never comes back from battle with blood, soot, scorching and other detritus of war on his uniform...

Sorry Hodie. Couldn't resist.