Wednesday, March 11, 2009

If you can't say anything nice...

Looks like I'll be taking Mrs. Nimdok and jr. to the south of France this summer. Yeah, yeah, I know, I've heard it all before - why travel so far when the land you call home has so much to offer? Why spend time (and a shitpot full of money) in a country that is teeming with rude, self-important, twice-monthly bathing, white-flag waving, insipid movie-making socialist pricks who think even less of you than you do of them?

Well, let's call it an investment. Picture this: you're sitting at the kitchen table tonight, having the same conversation with the missus that you had last night and the night before - kids, routines, carpools, etc. Riveting stuff. Suddenly you throw out the idea of spending a little time in the south of France, lodging in a 200 year old estate surrounded by vineyards, and traveling a couple of miles or so to the Mediterranean (not too far from the French Riviera) whenever you feel like it.

You get the picture: happy-happy-joy-joy.

As far at the ROI goes, I'm not talking about the immediate goodwill and "lovin' feelin'" that invariably occurs after hitting the "enter" key on such a vacation. That stuff goes without saying. It's the long term payback I'm talking about. Think about it - weekly guys' nights out, the monthly poker games, various and sundry weekend golf/hunting/fishing trips, biennial beer drinking trips to Europe/Mexico - you're looking at getting those babies rubber-stamped for at least another five years or so. Not bad, eh?

Not to mention the fact that it's going to be one hell of a good time.

Which brings me to my point. Can anyone out there say anything nice about the French? I've been to a couple of websites, and the words "incompetent", "stupid" and "nasty" keep popping up - as well as a few others that you won't find in a family publication. To be honest, they bottle some decent vino, can even make snails taste good, and every now and then some of their better looking women actually shave their legs and pits and move into the "I'd hit that" category. But I'm looking for more than that.

Thoughts? Merci.


Taras Bulba said...

Sorry about casting dispersions on the French and soccer. Had no idea you were into that sort of thing. I guess a trip somewhere with the boys in a more manly setting is out of the question. Where's the nimdok we used to know?

nimdok said...

Such manly behavior comes at a price...

Fully agreed with your opinions on soccer/frogs/emascualtion. I put this trip in the same category as our vacation in the Bay Area a couple of years ago. I certainly didn't/don't care for the opinions/acts/beliefs of the majority of that area's population (read "happy people", homos, poofdahs, etc.), but enjoyed myself none the less.

Taras Bulba said...

You're just digging your hole deeper, Pierre. What color beret are you wearing today?

nimdok said...

Actually, I opted for a simple chapeau, dark brown felt, to accent the stunning light tan cashmere overcoat I donned this a.m...

Glenn Gunn said...

Your view of the French people is based on the stereotypes encouraged by main stream media. I have found the people in Paris to be much more friendly and helpful that I thought they would be.

I have never been to other parts of France, but have read and have been told that the people there are much like small town Americans: down to earth and sociable and very interested in learning about America.

Two books which would help understand the French: "Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong" and "A Year in Provence."

Xenophobia (Francophobia in particular) begats easy humor. I don't think you will find the people to be overly politically sensitive, but suggest you treat the individuals you meet as your next door neighbor. Even France has its share of Walter Sobchaks.

nimdok said...

A French Walter that would be worth the price of a round trip ticket, as long as I was just watching the show.

Taras Bulba said...

So, Hodie, you're saying nimdok (Pierre) will get nothing but graceful treatment and courteous replies to requests for help while in France?

Glenn Gunn said...

No, Mr. Begala, I am not saying that. My point is this: not all French people are a-holes. Some definitely are. So are some Americans.

In a small town in southern France, I believe Nimdok will find the people to be more congenial and hospitable than is portrayed in the MSM stereotype. The same is likely true of small town Americana.

Taras Bulba said...

Hodie a francophile. Who knew?