Monday, March 30, 2009


I've been screwing around a little lately with Facebook. Still trying to figure out the real benefit of the thing--mostly I think it sort of lets other people know you are alive and not yet in prison. Otherwise, there's not much depth there; one or two sentence replies or semi-pithy announcements of one's imminent trip to the grocery store. I'll see where it goes. Meanwhile, it appears that Aeneas is on Facebook: Who knew?


Shellback said...

That's pretty damn funny. The possibilities for other historical individuals and events are endless.

Ruprecht said...

I have no desire to partake in Facebook Friendship--not because I have little to no interest in restoring contact with people I have more or less forgotten, but because for the most part I don't need another possible black hole in terms of electronic time wasting opportunities; that inventory's plumb full up already.

That's part of what had me drift away temporarily last fall, for which I was understandably caned by THE CREATOR for my lack of "commitment." Being demoted by THE CREATOR for failure to advance academically (i.e., not maintaining contributory status after our initial launch) was difficult to accept, making me question everything. Per usual, I had few answers that didn't relate to Caddyshack--"People don't say that about you--as far as you know."

THE CREATOR grew weary of my questions: "How does one create a topic?", usually followed by, "Where do you find all them neat pictures, man?", each question more irritating than the previous one, some along the lines of "Can I pay my VISA with my MASTERCARD?" stupid.

Truth be told, I'm not the brighest of systems uers, thinking years ago that this whole computer thing was just "a fad." Still, when my work responsibilities were dramatically upgraded last October, my leisure activities at the office were essentially eradicated while we all tried to figure out:

who was watching?
how would we manage two jobs at the same time?
would milk be provided us?
and would we receive fruit cup if we were in fact a little late?

Challenging times, those were, as we have discovered the answer to all of those and other questions, some we didn't like, others we just didn't think to ask in the first place.

In closing, since I was too busy to keep my run of substandard contributions going here at Wing Attack Plan Wally World, it would seem somewhat hypocritical of me to begin wasting quality time at something like Facebook, wouldn't it?

Whenever I read, "Will you be my friend at Facebook?", I get a little uncomfortable. It begins with the all too familiar Jay Powell twitch in my right eye. From there I begin to worry if the Russians also love their children--or just the blonde brides that we try to buy--or perhaps, most critically, if ZZ Top ever stops to smell the roses before they beer piss tequila on 'em.

I eventually got around to realizing that if I'm not their REAL face friend already, there's probably not much hope of my becoming one via this newest bullshit. Thus, it's probably in all those folks' best interest to just leave it at that.

Facebook lunacy aside, I offer my dear friends here at WAPR this: "It sure feels good to be back here at the Dexter Lake Club." Can somebody link us to Shamma Lamma Ding Dong, then hit it? You're good at that kind of shit, nimdok. {oops, I may alienate myself from THE CO-CREATOR, too}

To Nimdok I offer the inane, "Want a bite of my burger?" God, I wish I had been there for that. The good news is that we can bring it up again next time it's feasible for them to be seen together in public.

To Shellback I offer, "Let the Hun do that."

To Taras Bulba I offer, "Three of spades! Jack of Hearts! Seven of Diamonds!"

Taras Bulba said...
