Monday, March 9, 2009

Springtime for Hitler

An interesting piece in the NYT regarding the interrogation of a German staff officer who had some exposure to der Fuhrer: This Hitler fellow was a little odd, possibly even stranger than a few people in Germany today. Among other things, he apparently had bad table manners, didn't like to talk much, and sat around late at night eating a lot of cake. Yes, cake. Our man, Shellback is a big cake fan (along with hideously overripe bananas) and is fond of that "panzer" song in "Battle of the Bulge"--you know, the one where the bright young panzer officers stamp their feet and belt out a rousing ditty that gets Robert Shaw all worked up and convinced that a division or two of Tigers can roll over Telly Savalas and the other smelly degenerates that make up the American army. Almost worked, too, according to this obviously highly historically accurate film treatment of what history types call the Ardennes Offensive. As presented, it was an idle gasoline drum that Henry Fonda rolls down a hill that personally takes out the steely Shaw and turns back fascism and makes France and Western Germany safe for democracy and nylons. Anyway, where was I going with this? Oh, that Shellback is fond of show tunes involving Wagner and enjoys prancing about his downtown loft clad only in jackboots, a Sam Brown belt, and some type of genital restraint device--not that there's anything wrong with that and if you disagree with me, then you, sir, are worse that Hitler.

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