Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another List

This has been around for a while but it's always nice to review: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/full-list-of-stuff-white-people-like/. While not exhaustive, the list certainly covers most of what comprises today's garden variety urban honky. I'm quite familiar with the species and for the most part can even accomplish primary voice communication with them. It's a military fact that a surgical strike on the nation's organic groceries on any Saturday morning would effectively render the species extinct. You hear that, Central Market? Kale won't stop white phosphorous.

The young lady at right eschews all that snobby foodie stuff. Word is that she's a Hill Country Fair private label gal and insists on hormone injected ribeyes.


nimdok said...

I'll have what she's havin'...

gleach said...

She is an all-time favorite.

nimdok said...

You know, if that picture had been taken outside on a day like today, she would be THE all-time favorite...

Shellback said...

# 1 on the list is coffee. I suppose it is true that you don't see Negroes drinking coffee very often or hanging out at Starbucks.

I understand that they chew on the roots of native flowering plants, or "khat" as it is known.