Friday, January 16, 2009

Men's Drinks has a piece out on the lost art of manly drinking: Frankly, I'm a little embarrassed that there is an apparent need to clarify what a man needs to drink, a further sign of the impending collapse of Western Civilization. What's common in most of these recipes is simplicity--not a lot of ingredients in each. Myself, I lose interest with anything involving syrup or sweetness; outside of beer and wine it's usually just a gin and tonic or whiskey (please note the American spelling) on the rocks. That said, I'd probably be interested in a Harvey Wallbanger.

I had a martini the other night. Well, actually three. They'll get your attention and certainly provide a calming outlook on life or will at least get you through dinner with your wife's friend (the one who yammers incessantly) and her husband who throws like a girl and has no interest in tanks, the Remington 700 rifle, or the 4-3 defense. I could probably do with slamming down five or six a day. The guy who writes about drinks over at the WSJ sent out an alarm last week that the frog makers of vermouth are changing the formula to some enhanced sweet and fruity flavor (no doubt to match their national character) which will ruin the dry martini as Americans know it: Not sure what to do about it short of air strikes on Versailles which we should have done long ago. Reminds me of a retired Air Force bird colonel I know who told me his greatest regret as a combat pilot was never leading a coordinated air assault on Paris. He also remarked blissfully once over a cigar and tumbler of scotch that "Ordinance is a beautiful thing. You won't believe what it can do to a water buffalo or a whale." God bless the USA and pound that Budweiser, boys.


Shellback said...

This is James Bond in "Casino Royale". Next time you order a Martini in a restaurant, repeat his exact words -

“‘A dry Martini,’ he said. ‘One. In a deep champagne goblet.’
‘Oui, Monsieur.’
‘Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large slice of lemon-peel. Got it?’”

Taras Bulba said...

So, that's three shots of gin, one of vodka, and a little vermouth (kina lillet)?

Shellback said... provides the answer:

An ounce = 30ml

But it can be what ever you like as long as you keep the proportions right. I'll use the Vesper recipe as an example:

3 measures of Gordon's Gin

1 measure of vodka

1/2 measure Lillet Bal

That would mean you could use 3 shots of gordons gin, 1 shot of vodka and 1/2 shot of Kina Lillet.

Please note that your bartender or waiter in Austin would likely not say "Oui, Monsieur" to a request for a deep champagne goblet but rather "Huh..?"

Taras Bulba said...

This begs for a field test. Anyone game?

Shellback said...

Dat be a whole lotta booze in one drink. Dat fo' sho'.