Monday, January 12, 2009

Hot Off the Presses

The new/revised "Joy of Sex" is out: I never bought the original. The furtive glances as I quickly thumbed through a copy at "Book Stop" long ago sort of made me a little queasy. Lots of hair and the models appeared to be the kind of people who didn't spend a lot of time in the shower. You see a lot of Gen X,Y,Z types like that now--apparently not all that fond of clean hair. Makes you wonder what their apartments are like. Anyway, the updated "Sex" apparently features a pair of buff, clean looking participants availing themselves of positions both foreign and domestic. Other stuff that was a little too far out of the mainstream when the original was published are now included, such as phone play and bondage (both light and heavy varieties). That said, the book probably misses out by not delving into the most effective aphrodisiacs, at least for women: diamonds, Nieman's, and a clean house. Those won't actually seal the deal, but experience says they don't hurt.


nimdok said...

Sounds great, but I'll have to pass. Besides, after many years of marriage I have learned the true definition of the "joy" of sex and don't need a book to tell me what it is.

Unabashed contentment, or joy, is waking up on a Monday morning and realizing there's a better than 50-50 chance that you're going to get some that week, and it doesn't really matter where, when, how, or what position...

Glenn Gunn said...

Dick Butkus and Mike Singletary co-authored the hershey highway chapter in the new version

Taras Bulba said...

I thought folks would appreciate the obvious irony of well known nancy boy, Sir Alec Guiness (apologies, Shellback) gazing upward at the comely blonde. "Oh, it's another ghastly female" he's thinking.

nimdok said...

Well, of course we did. It just kinda goes without saying...