Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Thoughts on Yesterday

An extraordinary day by any definition. The American exercise in changing presidents is a marvelous thing to behold, if nothing else to remind the frogs and other lesser nations of why they'll always be staring up at Uncle Sam's multicolored ass when it comes to the world's pecking order. I love "Hail to the Chief" and the outward display of respect by the victors toward the vanquished, even if Obama was inwardly giggling and Cheney kept reaching for his concealed S&W every now and then.

Saw a report and some photos depicting the frostiness between President Jimmy and the Clintons and they apparently did not speak to one another at the inauguration. Reportedly some real bad blood and nobody holds grudges and engages in petty nastiness like Carter. Sure, he hammers nails for Habitat and quotes Corinthians a lot, but he's one serious asshole in real life and his sucking up to dictators and Arab terrorists is appalling.

Both W and his dad got booed by the crowd yesterday. Nice. Lots of class there, fine citizens. Good thing that W and the old man aren't as vindictive as Carter or they would have done a fly by in order to fling shit from Marine One onto your sorry heads.

I can't count how many times I've heard "I never thought this day would come" or "I thought I would never see this in my lifetime" or "I'm so proud of my country" these past few days. Really? I never thought that Americans wouldn't elect a black person--I always thought that people were generally pretty fair. You weren't proud of your country before? Maybe folks that thought that white Americans wouldn't elect a pigment enhanced individual need to reexamine some of their own thinking, be it either racist or self loathing, whichever the case. Most people I know certainly are aware of skin color and cultural differences but are fair minded and tend to support who they feel is most qualified. Maybe I've been in the private sector too long.

Also, can we now dispense with the slash Bush stickers, the "Regime Change Begins at Home" stickers, and the otherwise smug, asshat proclamations that folks have felt compelled to slather all over their vehicles these last several years? Okay--your guy won and the evil one has been expelled from Camelot. While you're at it, you can also in the spirit of good sportsmanship take off the Obama-love stickers, too. Then, for those of you holding onto the McCain/Palin stickers; you need to get a life--nothing says, "loser" like advertising your undying loyalty to a defeated politician.

Finally, yesterday was a stark reminder of why it's never a good idea to stick a mike in front of an actor/musician for their political thoughts. What you get back from them will decrease the IQ of a fence post.


nimdok said...

Please enlighten us on the "...never a good idea to stick a mike ...comment. I was otherwise occupied yesterday and saw none of it.

Taras Bulba said...

Typical high school stuff of the "Mean people suck" variety. One rapper remarked that McCain "couldn't get 40 people to show up to his funeral." What a fuckhead. I think McCain's an asshole but why do we care what some asswhipe who has no concept of history or what McCain has done and experienced on behalf of the US of A thinks? For whatever his faults, McCain is one hell of a man and it is sickening that this kind of shit gets on the air.

nimdok said...

Worse yet, it is either applauded or excused by many who should know better.

gleach said...

I guess my biggest complaint in the whole affair was the fact that every media outlet joined in the lovefest and forgot to actually do any reporting. If it's a news show, give me news, not your opinion on how fantastic someone is. Also, if it's not about race, don't specifically pick out African-Americans only for interviews. Rumor has it that there were one or two Caucasians there that voted for Obama as well.

I am always terribly optimistic, even in the face of certain doom, but I thought all the sugar heaped on during the telecast was overdone.

Is Obama the savior of today's American dream? Maybe, but let's let the man do a little work before we proclaim him to be King of the World.

Taras Bulba said...

It was a coronation, wasn't it? He's sure to run into trouble and fuck up--even though he's a demi-god. That's going to be one helluva slap in the face for the faithful to see that the man behind the curtains isn't wearing any pants. Watching the broadcast media, especially the network morning shows, will effectively lobotomize anyone.

gleach said...

Yeah, it's hell having to live with only basic cable at work. But someone has to suffer.

Taras Bulba said...

One other thing about Tuesday--could Cheney have looked any more sinister, with his black fedora and sitting grimly in a wheelchair? That was one helluva job in neatly fitting into every negative stereotype his detractors had of him. Well done, Dick! Were you also secretly choking a puppy under your overcoat during the thing?