Monday, January 5, 2009

More Mideast Good Times

The Israelis finally got tired of taking rocket fire from the thugs in Gaza and opened up a large can of whoopass (kosher, of course). Not the first time, and Victor Davis Hanson summarizes how it all plays out:

I like Hanson. He has written several books, and his "Carnage and Culture" is a classic. Pick it up sometime. It's divided into several chapters each describing a famous battle and the clash of opposing cultures and their impact upon the field of battle. Included is his excellent description of the British and Zulus at Rorke's Drift, among others.


nimdok said...

"...and ensure that Palestinian civilians are harmed on global television."

Hansen is dead on. To the rest of the Middle East, the Palestinians represent a valuable commodity - easy targets and willing suicide bombers. Problem is that their availability as either a cheap weapon or marketing tool disappears if they become peaceful and prosperous. That is the main reason why they will never be allowed to assimilate into other arabic countries, nor will assistance be forthcoming from their wealthy arab neighbors.

Taras Bulba said...

Spot on. Their relatively wealthy neighbors could have assimilated the Palestenians long ago had they desired. The trouble is, they're not liked. The Jordanians flat out despise them. This, of course, crudely summarizes the Arab world in general: petty tribes full of hatred and spite who live their lives in order to exact vengeance for some perceived offense, large and/or small.

Ruprecht said...

Krauthammer has a good piece on this, too.

Speaking of codicils, TB, I'm reminded of your Dean Wormer: "Let's finish this damned thing." The Israeli's better hurry up and drive these people into their Gaza's before the annointed one comes to town and waves rainbows at them.