Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rock This

Gutfeld is at it: See his comments on Heart--I think he pretty much nails it (them).

Like most listeners, I pretty much skim over or outright ignore political rantings from performers--hear that, Green Day? I could give a shit about your frail outlook on life or that the Russians love their children too or any of that whiney, half-assed navel gazing crap. Just scream into the mike, hit some good guitar licks, jump around for a while like a spotted ass ape or whatever and rake in the cash but spare me anything resembling angst (God, I hate that word). As for me, I like that fellow on the right and others like him. He knows what rock and roll is about and it ain't blood on the fucking scarecrow. It's the Trinity of driving fast, drankin', and running tail. Maybe some other things. Shooting guns would be good. Also, anything having to do with blowing stuff up. Yeah, that works. But, concentrate on the hot chicks--that's a winner every time.

Hope that helps any young aspiring artists. Young people are our future. Especially if they can drive better than the goddamn Koreans that live up the street who can't drive for shit. Goddamn it, that makes me mad!


nimdok said...

I agree - to a point. I mean, I don't mind a little emotional diarrhea or political nonsense in a song - as long as the music is good. Some of the greats have tarried at the edge of the boo-hoo abyss and come away unscathed. Hell, I finally figured out that some of today's most angst-filled crybabies always manage to find a really good guitarist, and in that case I give 'em a pass.

That being said, I really don't classify such stuff as "rock and roll". More like "lunacy from a self-absorbed and pampered fuckhead, but put to a really good beat", and yes, I have quite of bit of that in my collection.

Glenn Gunn said...

It's like going to confession every time I hear you speak
You're making the most of your losing streak
Some call it sick, but I call it weak

You drag it around like a ball and chain
You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain
You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown
Got your mind in the gutter, bringing everybody down
Complain about the present and blame it on the past
I'd like to find your inner child and kick it's little ass

Glenn Gunn said...

The Dallas Observer had an article in a recent edition about the worst song lyrics of 2008. The top two (I don't remember the songs, only the artists and the lyrics):

Ne-Yo: "I won't attend your pity party. I'm going to go eat calamari."

Nickelback: "You are cuter with something in your mouth."

nimdok said...

never was a big Eagles fan, but the song you reference was one of the big exceptions to the rule.

gleach said...

This is surely a shitty first comment here, and it brings nothing to the conversation, but... apparently my neighbors think that the drummer from ZZ Top lives in "that big house on the corner." That would be my house. I am about 25 years too young to be him. But, then again, I am not going out of my way to meet them and correct their misconceptions.

Must be all of the fast cars and loose women I am bringing to the neighborhood.

Taras Bulba said...

Glad for the input, gleach, and be proud that you are the scandal of your block. I advise leaving spent liquor bottles and women's undergarments laying about the front yard.